what we believe
Gathered around Jesus
We want to be a church that shows deep compassion for the spiritually and materially hungry and homeless and has a real ability to meet their needs. We want to be a church that is diverse in leadership and membership, representative of Oakland, and a church that empowers people to live out their divine calling. And we try to do it all with honesty and integrity. We need more than good intentions to do that! We need a deeper hope than our own best efforts. But the good news is that God is at work in the world today, and we have hope that when we follow Jesus a bit more closely, anything is possible.
People who ‘don’t belong together’
We’re all made in the image of God, but that image shows up in different ways. We don’t deny those differences that shape us – in fact we honor them. But that doesn’t stop us from joining together. Whatever your faith background; belief system, ethnicity, culture or sexuality – you’re welcome at Oakland City Church.
For the sake of those who don’t belong
We get that coming into a church is pretty scary. It feels like we’re either wearing or thinking the wrong thing. The church is the last place that many would look for help, spiritual or otherwise. So, wherever people take the brave step inside a church, we work hard to make room and extend hospitality to anyone who feels like they don’t belong.

our calling
We are people who don’t belong together
gathered around Jesus
for the sake of those who don’t belong.

We want everyone, including you, to live with Jesus at the center of their lives.
a transforming relationship with jesus

We believe community as the place where growth can occur.
entering authentic community

We seek to express God’s love through compassion and justice in our everyday lives.